Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cat Breeds: Ragdolls


The first Ragdoll kittens were born in California in the 1960’s. They are probably the result of a mating between a white Persian queen (female) and a Birman or Birman-type tom. When picked up the cat becomes very relaxed and is as floppy as the ragdoll from which it takes its name. There are some that say that this was brought about by an accident the queen had whilst carrying the kittens but it is genetically impossible for the effects of the injury to be inherited by the kittens. The more realistic belief is that many cats act in this way when they trust their owners and that the Ragdoll is a particularly trusting breed.

The Ragdoll is a large, powerful, imposing cat with distinctive markings. However the cat is extremely relaxed and laid back giving the floppy ragdoll impression. They have deep blue eyes. There body is long and muscular with a broad chest and short neck. The legs are substantially boned and are medium in length. The paws are large round and tufted. Ragdolls do not mature until about three or four years old.

The Ragdoll is possibly the most laid back of all the domestic cat breeds. They are basically content and undemanding and tolerate most situations. They have an extremely gentle and relaxed nature, and make loyal and devoted pets. There is an old-wives tale that these cats are immune to pain - this is totally untrue!

Tune In Next Tuesday for more information on different Cat Breeds!  

*This information was gathered from Purina.com  

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