Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cat Breeds: Russian Blue

Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a natural breed and not the result of selective matings with other breeds as are many other newer breeds of cat. Originally known as the Archangel Cat because it arrived in Europe aboard ships from the Russian port of that name. However, there is some confusion regarding the origins of the Russian Blue. It has also been known as the Spanish Cat and the Maltese Cat particularly in the US where the later name persisted until the beginning of the century but there is strong evidence linking the cat with Russia. Large numbers of cats with similar coat colours are found in Scandinavia and their dense coat is indicative of living in a northern climate. During World War II the breed declined and breeders tried to boost the numbers by crossing it with the British Blue and the Siamese but those attempts led to its virtual disappearance and the resultant cats resembled blue Siamese. A concentrated effort by breeders in the US and Britain in the late 1960’s resulted in a return to the original type.

The Russian Blue is a medium to large cat with an elegant, graceful body. The head between the ears is flat. They have a vivid green eye colour. Although named the Russian Blue, black and white Russians do appear but these are rare and have not attracted a great following. In the most popular blue variety the coat colour is a clear even blue with a silvery sheen. They have a double coat with a very dense undercoat and feels fine, short and soft. In texture the coat of the Russian Blue is very different from any other breed and is the truest measure of the breed.
Poppy and Biscuit

Russian Blue cats are quiet and sensitive, sometimes shy and reserved but are also tremendously loyal to their chosen human. They may be cautious of strangers and take time to develop a friendship with humans but it is often worthwhile as Russian Blues can become devoted pets. However there are those Russians which will take to most people straight away. Once settled in a loving environment they love to play with toys and enjoy jumping, climbing and racing around and are extremely agile and light footed. They love human attention and can appear to be quite hurt when rejected. Russian Blues are quite content to be house cats as long as they have the company of their human friends.

Tune In Next Tuesday for more information on different Cat Breeds!  
*This information was gathered from Purina.com

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